Device Protection
Network Protection
Resource Protection
Threat prevention is a set of preventive measures against any potential security attack. It includes blocking suspicious sites, hiding IPs, specifying access for different departments, etc. It mitigates the possibility of hacking attempts, breaching attacks, and hacking. With Symlex Layer, you can take all these precautions with a single click.
Stress-free Work Environment
As you have already taken the threat prevention steps, your team won’t need to be stressed about security breaches and will be more productive within a safe environment.
Build Trust
A lot of organizations faced reputation crises because of security breaches. When your network is secured, people will trust you easily, and it will build a strong brand value in the long run.
Data Security
With threat prevention measures, your data will pass through a secured tunnel, be stored in your own servers, and your data will be safe from any kind of unauthorized access.
Network Security
Take control over your network system before hackers find the vulnerability. With threat prevention features, your database, web gateways, firewalls, cloud access, etc will safe from any third party intervention.
In 2021, Amazon lost 877 million USD because of security breaches. The next sufferer could be your company. So, investing a few dollars in corporate security can save millions of dollars.
Ease the Compliance Procedure
Compliance certifications like GDPR, HIPPA, ISO-27001, etc are required to build trust and earn recognition. You will easily get the compliance certificate if you take security measures with a corporate VPN.
How Remote Access
Network Works
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